NOTE: Laboratory and Field project results as stated here may vary according to different climate conditions.


Better science reveals a way to protect you and your home from fire and other weather events by using a coating technology Super Therm®. UL, Factory Mutual and NASA performed fire rating and subsequent toxicity test on Super Therm®. The “Flame Spread Index” and “Smoke Spread Index” was “0” (out of 100). That is the highest classification available, a class “A” fire resistance rating. According to the report filed by NASA.

“SUPER THERM rated excellent in absolutely no contri­bution to flame or fire. This is an unusual rating for any paint product as most will score from a low of 15 up to 88. The “A” classification is the highest classification that can be achieved. This result definitely shows the quality of SUPER THERM. NASA is currently so impressed with SUPER THERM that they are now establishing testing in additional areas of need for the space center.”

Blocks Flame Spread and Smoke – Class “A” Fire Rating “0” Flame Spread and Smoke – tested by:

Everything will burn given enough heat. Super Therm® will provide a few extra minutes for you to either escape or get a fire extinguisher and call for help.

Omega Fire

Omega Fire™– single component coating designed to withstand 1200°C (2200°F) direct flame and resist heat transfer to backside. This coating has not obtained UL certification as yet, but has performed many of the UL testing profiles to verify its’ capabilities. Adjustments have been made after all the initial testing to perfect its performance, and initial beam testing is scheduled for August 2019. Some initial testing along the way have given up to 7-hour fire rating performance and passed the NYC 2-hour support beam testing as well as fire protection for shipping containers > Learn More >

Super Therm®

Super Therm® is used to coat over exterior surfaces in hot climates to block 95% of the radiation heat (UV, Short Wave and Long Wave). Preventing Heat Load onto the initial surface or envelope of the building or structure reduces heat entering the interior.

The “Flame Spread Index” and “Smoke Spread Index” was “0” (out of 100). That is the highest classification available, a class “A” fire resistance rating. UL, Factory Mutual and NASA also performed fire rating and subsequent toxicity test on Super Therm®. Super Therm® rated excellent in absolutely no contribution to flame or fire. This is an unusual rating for any paint product as most will score from a low of 15 up to 88. The “A” classification is the highest classification that can be achieved. This result definitely shows the quality of Super Therm®. > Learn More >

NASA Flammability Test (pdf – 262kb)

HSC® – Hot Surface Coating

HSC® Coating – single component water-based coating designed to insulate and control heat transfer on surface temperatures up to 175°C (350°F). The coating is not a reflective coating, but works to block the absorption of heat and to resist the transfer of heat through the coating to the cooler side. It is water-borne, and extremely lightweight and smooth in appearance. HSC® Coating uses a special acrylic resin7 blend with specific ceramic compounds added to provide a non-conductive block against heat transfer.

HSC® Coating offers a “Green”, non-flammable, non- toxic formula for medium heat surface applications over standard steam pipe or oven wall construction. The coating was originally designed for hot applications where temperature exposures fall below those that would require the use of HPC® Coating. HSC® Coating is more easily applied for a smooth finish. It can be applied over metal, concrete, wood, and other substrates > Learn More >

Globally Accredited Coatings

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