HPC®-HT Coating


HPC®-HT is a two-part (9 to 1) hybrid silicone nonflammable resin (Part B is cure). Part A is water-based resins using specific ceramic compound loads for application directly over surface temps of 232°C (450°F) and up to 600°C (1112°F). It was designed to block and hold the interior temperature on the surface and reduce heat transter loss to ambient.

Mix Part A and Part B together, HPC®-HT Coating offers a ‘green’, nonflammable, non-toxic formula for high-heat surface applications. HPC®-HT is easily applied, and can be sprayed direct to metal and other high-temperature surfaces up to 600°C. Sold only in 5-gallon pail kits.

NOTE: If the surface temp is below 200°C, the ®HT resin will not dry, and will remain soft. It will not build up. Use regular HPC.

Ease of applicationProduct ChemistrySilicon Based
Ease of removalVolume Solids84%
VOC Level200 g/L, 1.67 lbs./gal.
Dry Time (at 400-650°F)20 minutes per coat
Full CureEvaporation on hot surfaces

Typical Uses

1. As the high-temp insulation coat for surfaces greater than 250°C, over hot pipes, tanks, and valves
2. To hold heat on the surface of the pipe, valve, etc.
3. As a system to block conductive and convective heat transfer
4. Applied when a hot system cannot be shut down.

Application Methods

For specific instructions on surface preparation, mixing and application, please refer to the HPC®-HT Coating Application Instruction Sheet. If HPC®-HT is applied over hot exterior surfaces, and can be over-coated, Super Therm®, Rust Grip®, Enamo Grip or HPC® system top coat can be used according to what is needed.

HPC®-HT must be completely dry before applying top coat. HPC® Multi-Mesh Membrane System or high-temp mesh can be used on hot pipes when continuous cycles cause movement, and where continuous impact caused by workers handling the hot pipe is unavoidable.

Globally Accredited Coatings

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