Super Therm® Energy Star Savings
A 6° reduction in the thermostat produces a 39%
reduction in utility savings. Con Edison N.Y.
Three USA industry field tests with Super Therm® by the Florida Energy Office showed Super Therm® reduced temperatures in the test results therefore giving a 20-50% increase in energy efficiency by reducing heat load and therefore less pressure on air conditioners to keep the environment cool.
NOTE: Laboratory and Field project results as stated here may vary according to different climate conditions.

Super Therm® is Energy Star qualified as a 20 year roof coating to save you money and great for the environment.
- Energy Star qualified roof products reflect more of the sun’s rays. This can lower roof surface temperature by up to 37.7°C, decreasing the amount of heat transferred into a building.
- Energy Star qualified roof products can help reduce the amount of air conditioning needed in buildings, and can reduce peak cooling demand by 20-50%. (FEO Industry testing)
- Although there are inherent benefits in the use of reflective roofing, before selecting a roofing product based on expected energy reduction consumers should explore the expected calculated results that can be found on the Department of Energy’s “Roof Savings Calculator” website.
- Please remember the Energy Reduction that can be achieved with reflective roofing is highly dependent on facility design, insulation used, climatic conditions, building location, and building envelope efficiency.

Visit Energy Star website (Roofing) (USA)
Cool Roofing: LEED and Metal Roofing
Products and coatings can help buildings meet program requirements
Metal roofs have long been popular with architects for their dramatic appearance and long-term performance characteristics, particularly their low maintenance costs and durability. With the concept of sustainability now being widely embraced by the architectural community, metal roofs are being seen in a new light.
Metal roofing can contribute significantly to the sustainable building movement. Their high recycled content, total recyclability and energy efficiency allow “cool metal roofs” to qualify for points in the Energy Star and Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) Green Building Rating System programs. More