Super Therm® sound reduction by 50-68%

How does Super Therm Insulation Coating work?

For improved sound and acoustics, Super Therm® has a micron sized (not nano) ceramic compound that is so light weight and light in density that it cannot absorb heat and won’t vibrate when sound waves hits it either.

A wall not coated with Super Therm® has density and will vibrate when the sound waves hits it because it allows “sound continuation” due to the substance of the wall board which has density that vibrates.

A wall coated with Super Therm® contains a micron sized ceramic compound which “physically” doesn’t have the density to vibrate and therefore there is a reduction in sound vibration continuation. This is how Super Therm® reduces sound and improves acoustics.

Super Therm® was used in the Mitcham Cinema, South Australia on the walls internally which successful reduced sound transfer between the cinema rooms and also improved fire protection internally.

Sound and Acoustics Super Therm Kit PDF

Super Therm® sounds reduction by 68%

letter head
Wisconsin, USA

Source: Eagle Coatings

August 25, 2000

Industrial Coatings Alliance Group Inc.
3900 Andrews Crossing
Rosewell, Georgia 30075
Attn. Mr. Dave Phillips

Re: Ultra Sound Testing Super Therm® Coated Trailers

Dear Dave

This letter is to inform you of our Ultra Sound test results. Stoughton Trailers Inc. is the only North American Trailer Manufacturer to utilize state of the art Ultra Sound techniques to provide leak free products to the Van Trailer and inter-modal Container market.

Our verification tests conducted on a Van Trailer with an aluminum roof coated with Super Therm shows that the unit prior to the first application of the Super Therm coating had an average decibel reading of 38. After the first application of Super Therm, the average decibel reading was 25 and after the second and final application of Super Therm, the average reading dropped to 12 decibels.

If you may need any further information, please contact me at 608-973-2605.


William C. Torda
Manager Total Quality Management

Sound Proofing Barrier

  • Sound Reduction: STC (Sound Transmission Coefficient) – Rated 38-41 as per ASTM E 90 (In the talking range of 1500 up to 5000, we hit the 48-51 which is what the interest level is for talking and normal activity.)
  • Stoughton Trailer Ultra Sound testing shows a 68% Reduction
  • Sound testing performed by Hot-Cold Air and Fire Control by Pat Saulson, PhD
  • Sound reduced an average of 50.2% by using Super Therm® on the interior walls of a house

Sound Barrier Testing pdf

40% Sound Reduction in Geelong, Victoria

A client had extensive insulation and sound proofing on their home situated on a main road in Geelong, Victoria. Super Therm® was applied to the exterior of the historic weatherboard home at the front and 2 sides. The main issue for the client was they couldn’t afford to pull the walls apart internally to add additional insulation and Super Therm‘s sound reduction and acoustic properties fit the bill.

The client has now received additional fire proof protection but also thermal and moisture protection. Super Therm® did reduce the sound from an average of 42-62 decibels in Sound Transmission Coefficient to now an average of 30-34 decibels. Taking an average of 50 decibels to 32 decibels is a 40% reduction in sound transmission through to the home’s interior.

Sound reduction on this Geelong home by an average of 40%.
Sound reduction on this Geelong home from an average of 50-32 decibels.
This 1928 cladded home in Preston, Victoria on a main road sounded like the cars were inside the hallway. After a coat of Super Therm® now it’s much more quiet. From 67db to 37/36db. Saved the client over $30,000 not removing cladding and replacing the insulation.
Walking up these wooden stairs in this new home was like a tinny noise that bellowed through the home along with sound from the neighbours with a shared wall. Now it’s like concrete with Super Therm® under the stairs and on the wall which was tinted.

Finally Peace and Quiet for the Parents

Super Therm® was utilised in Melbourne, Victoria for soundproofing a family home. When you have a family of 4 teenagers, solid timber floor, and they’re all gaming, talking and music, getting sleep is nearly impossible. Prior to applying Super Therm® to the doors and door frames of the home the reading in the master bedroom was 78db and the music was at 90db in the boys room.

Gradually after the applications the room decibel readings went from 43db down to 33db and finally averaging to 33db – 270% reduction. The parents couldn’t hear the music in the teenager’s room when in the Master bedroom…Super Therm® more than just heat block but an acoustic barrier.

Globally Accredited Coatings

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