Main Terminal Roof Complex: 374,804 sq.ft.

We coated the entire Tucson Airport complex of roofing in Tucson, Arizona.

The roofing is “cap sheet” which is tar paper and this requires SUPER BASE (HS) at 9 sq.m (100 sq.ft.) per gallon and then overcoated with SUPER THERM® at 9 sq.m (100 sq.ft.) per gallon.

Other parts of the roofing is PVC or a plastic type material which is weathered but is in good condition and provides good adhesion to accept SUPER THERM® easily at the 9 sq.m (100 sq.ft.) per gallon.

Preparation was the use of “Simple Green” concentrate cleaner and power wash. The roof was power washed to wet down, the simple green cleaner was sprayed over the roof and large hard bristled push brooms were used to clean the surface and then the power washer was used to rinse this all off before it dried. The power washer was working behind the push brooms to assure nothing dried before it could be washed off. When the roof surface dried, the SUPER BASE (HS) adhered very strongly and tightly to the surface.


After the application of Super Therm® on the main terminal roof, the solar heat load on the terminal building was substantially reduced.  The airport manager reported an immediate reduction in the air conditioning usage in the building and lower cooling costs.


The total roof area of the terminal is 374,804 sq.ft., at a cost of $2.10/sq.ft., for a total job cost of $787,008.  A reduction in air conditioning costs in a climate such as Arizona can result in an excellent return on the investment of coating a roof with Super Therm®.


The car wash bays were done first, and we had to remove the existing elastomeric coating which was not adhering, was not water proofing and was not insulating.

